Unity Takes Center Stage: Claremont Baha’i Community Launches Annual Juneteenth Tradition

In a vibrant celebration of unity and cultural heritage, the Claremont Baha’i community hosted its inaugural Juneteenth commemoration on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. Blaisdell Park transformed into a festive hub, buzzing with attendees eager to honor the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. The afternoon unfolded with a delightful program designed to engage the entire community….

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Stranded and at Risk: Iranian Baha’is in Turkey Await Resettlement

The plight of Iran’s Baha’i community is well-documented. And there is a way for you to help. Facing systematic persecution in their homeland, many have sought refuge in neighboring countries like Turkey. However, for the approximately 2,000 Iranian Baha’is currently living there, the situation has become increasingly precarious. Years in Limbo Many of these Baha’is…

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Bahá’ís of Iran: Iran’s government must end “crime against humanity of persecution,” says Human Rights Watch

BIC GENEVA — A highly significant report published by the eminent human rights organization, Human Rights Watch, states that the Iranian government’s 45-year systematic repression of the Bahá’í religious minority amounts to the crime against humanity of persecution under international criminal law. The new 49-page report, titled “The Boot on My Neck: Iranian Authorities’ Crime…

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UnityWorks: Baha’i-inspired training empowers Washington teachers and staff

Schools in the Yakima, Washington area face profound challenges. Located on the traditional homelands of the Yakama Nation, almost half of the population is White, and almost half is Hispanic, with a large immigrant population from Mexico, including many who speak only Spanish. Eighty-four percent of families live below the federal poverty line. Poverty, plus…

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Arising at Dawn

Baha’u’llah revealed, “know thou that religion is as heaven; and fasting and obligatory prayer are its sun and its moon. We entreat God, exalted and glorified be He, to graciously aid everyone who acteth according to His will and good-pleasure.” `Abdu’l-Baha stated, “this material fast is an outer token of the spiritual fast; it is…

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The Baha’i Fast

The Baha’i Fast falls during the month of Ala – the last month of the Baha’i calendar. During these 19 days, Baha’is – with the exception of women who are nursing or pregnant, the elderly, children, the sick, those traveling, and those engaged in heavy labor – abstain from food and drink between sunrise and…

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Fasting Spiritual and Material

Source: Selections From the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha | ‘Abdu’l-Baha in London ‘Abdu’l-Baha responded to a letter from an early believer: “Ye had written of the fasting month. Fortunate are ye to have obeyed the commandment of God, and kept this fast during the holy season. For this material fast is an outer token of the…

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Fasting and Prayer

Source: The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting In another statement He explained, “the laws of God, such as fasting, obligatory prayer and the like, as well as His counsels regarding virtues, good deeds and proper conduct, must be carried out everywhere to the extent possible, unless some insurmountable obstacle or some great danger presents…

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The Wisdom of Fasting

Source: Twelve Table Talks given by ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá in ‘Akká QUESTION: WHAT IS the divine wisdom of fasting? Answer: There is many a divine wisdom in fasting. Among them is this: that, in the days when He Who is the Dayspring of the Sun of Truth engages, through divine inspiration, in revealing the verses of God,…

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