Meditation and the Advancement of Humanity: An Argument Rooted in Baha’i Teachings

Meditation, a practice found in numerous spiritual traditions, is a cornerstone of personal and societal transformation. Its power to unlock human potential and advance humanity can be eloquently understood through the writings of the Baha’i Faith. Three profound quotes from these writings offer a framework to build a robust argument for the transformative power of…

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Unity Takes Center Stage: Claremont Baha’i Community Launches Annual Juneteenth Tradition

In a vibrant celebration of unity and cultural heritage, the Claremont Baha’i community hosted its inaugural Juneteenth commemoration on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. Blaisdell Park transformed into a festive hub, buzzing with attendees eager to honor the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. The afternoon unfolded with a delightful program designed to engage the entire community….

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